Servicing All the Electrical needs of the Sunshine Coast


At All Star Power, we are committed to delivering high-quality electrical services to residents and businesses in the Sunshine Coast region. Whether you need electrical solutions for a new construction project or maintenance for existing installations, we have the expertise and knowledge needed to get your job done right.

Our team of licensed and certified electricians have years of experience working on all aspects of residential, commercial, and industrial electrical projects. We have the experience and skills necessary to take on any type of electrical task, from installing light fixtures and power outlets to designing data, Tv, air conditioning or solar systems. Regardless of your specific needs, you can trust that our team will work diligently to meet your electrical requirements.

So if you’re looking for an experienced, reliable and responsive team that can handle all your electrical jobs, turn to All Star Power. Our commitment to quality service at affordable rates has earned us the reputation as one of the most reliable and trusted electrical contracting companies on the Sunshine Coast.

Please see our range of electrical solutions below:


How can All Star Power help you?

    If an emergency, call